BSR Blog
Feeling Unprepared to Treat CAS Clients? You're Not Alone.
We Don't Eat Our Classmates: A Dinosaur JAR
Back to School Show and Tell
5 SLP Tips for the Back-to-School Season
There can be a downside to the excitement of the start of a new school year. Do you ever find yourself so caught up in the anticipation of new beginnings that you keep on adding to a never-ending to-do-list instead of checking things off? Yeah ... me too. And this can get to be a little overwhelming. Back-to-school season is one of the most hectic times of the year and it can be frustrating for some SLPs if they don't know where to start. That is why I wanted to share five tips and strategies for the back-to-school hustle.
3 Reasons Why Summer Speech Homework Is Important
A Bumble Bee Craft
Making Cherry Blossom Trees
What is a JAR?
If you do a google search on the words “JAR” or “JARs” you’re likely to get a lot of catalog pictures of sealed containers and some miscellaneous tech articles about Java file formats, but JARs have an entirely different meaning in the special education and speech-language pathology world.
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